In Science at Kippax Ash Tree, we kindle curiosity and foster a joy of discovery through a knowledge rich curriculum and engaging practical based learning. This allows us to explore the big ideas and gives us the skills to succeed in an ever-changing world. Our curriculum ensures that our scientists are excited about science and want to share their learning with others, and it gives them a sense of purpose to apply their knowledge to real life situations.
Our journey as scientists begins in Early Years Foundation Stage and is measured through ‘Working Scientifically’ lenses: identifying, classifying and grouping, changes over time, pattern seeking, comparative and fair testing, and research using secondary sources. Each of these lenses builds on progression as the children travel on their journey as scientists. In Foundation Stage, children develop skills in these lenses through use of senses and exploration and the EYFS curriculum thread of Understanding of the World. Scientists at this stage are encouraged to be curious about the world around them and use their senses to observe, make simple recordings, and begin to ask questions with support about their curiosities.
As the journey continues into Key Stage 1, our scientists continue to make simple comparisons and begin to use scientific language when observing similarities and differences. They begin to sequence changes that they observe and use simple data structures (tables or charts) to record findings. Towards the end of Key Stage 1, our scientists begin to use non-standard units when observing and recording data and they begin to use scientific language to explain the ‘how’ and ‘why’. They will expand their data structures to include tables, charts, tallies and maps and they begin to make simple predictions, and link outcomes to their predictions.
The transition into Key Stage 2 builds on their knowledge in previous years, expanding on the children’s ideas and decisions to answer scientific questions. Our scientists extend their knowledge and understanding of scientific vocabulary, subject content and equipment. Throughout years 3 to 6, our scientists are encouraged to make scientific links between cause and effect after having learned simple processes in Key Stage 1. They are also encouraged to form their own scientific questions based on what they know to therefore plan an experiment, decide what equipment should be used, analyse scientific evidence and record data effectively.
Throughout all year groups, we foster a love for science and build on science capital by providing the children with many opportunities to grow independently as scientists. We offer an after-school club, appoint science ambassadors in school, arrange for special visitors to come in and promote different areas of science and we have established an outdoor learning area on site which includes a pond and plenty of plants and wildlife to explore.