At Kippax Ash Tree we believe that good staff wellbeing is essential for cultivating a mentally healthy school, for retaining and motivating staff and for promoting pupil wellbeing and attainment. There's never been a more important time to support school staff wellbeing. Below are some things we do at Kippax Ash Tree to support staff wellbeing:
We have a Senior Mental Health Lead with the responsibility for staff wellbeing.
We promote openness about mental health in our school.
We offer supervision.
We signpost staff to supportive services.
We look at simple ways to reduce workload.
We provide spaces for staff to be non child facing at break times and lunch times.
We send a annual staff wellbeing survey.
PPA is timetabled and is consistent week on week to support staff's routines and organisation.
We build belonging through out the school (e.g. through team development opportunities).
Staff recognition and praise is part of our school’s culture.
Tea, coffee and milk is available daily for all staff (including treats on the staff treat trolley).
We provide excellent training and development opportunities for staff at every level.
Shout outs and well-being post box.
Free staff lunch.
Staff breakfast every Friday!
Indie our Pastoral Dog
Teaching, Learning, Planning and Curriculum:
Published Curriculum ensure you don’t have to plan what to do – just how to do it
No pressure to put on a show – no observation gradings
LTP curriculum planned and provided for all year groups
Schemes of work to be adapted to fit the needs of your children
Teachers plan their best apporaches to learning in their classrooms
Adaptation – teach from the top model with some children requiring more support than others
Every year group has a member of support staff
In house Speech and Language intervention
Whole school approach to Personal Development and nurture
Everyone has the highest of expectations with behaviour – all staff not just teaching staff
Clear consistent behaviour systems, silent signals and school rules
SLT run Keep Calm club at lunch times
Try to use internal cover to cover teachers where possible
Pivotal positive behaviour system
SLT ‘on call’ to support with behaviour conversations
Give as much valuable oral feedback where possible- we use messy marking systems
‘No more marking’ national moderation activities for writing
Marking is for one audience and one audience only – never tick and flick
We never ask for the same data to be entered twice
Reports to parents are about the child as a person – not restating the curriculum covered and that is taken care of by Dojo
Dojo allows for positive parent and teacher relationships to build
Training days used for the analysis of data and development of planned approaches alongside curriculum learners
3 data drops per year, assessments provided by BLP
Professional Development:
CPD tailored to staff needs, all staff receive little but often CPD during directed time through deliberate practice morning meetings
Staff meeting time to put things in to action- no meeting that could be an e-mail
Assessment update time given to staff
CPD for support staff team delivered via paid training days
In house subject leadership allowing for leaders to be in house experts in their leadership field and support other staff (SENCO lead, Maths lead etc)
Targeted support plans for teachers who need some extra support and development
Limited number of meetings before or after school ; as and when basis
Develop leadership positions amongst middle leaders and beyond into the MAT – wher the focus is upon ‘ building our own’
Access to Apprenticeships, NPQs and other CPD supported across school
Comprehensive support for ECTs with dedicated mentors and regular meetings.
Comprehensive support for Red Kite students with dedicated mentors and regular meetings.
Performance management meetings – data targets are aspirational – we begin with the assumption that everyone will get a pay rise unless they haven’t done all they can to improve pupil outcomes.
Staff Wellbeing:
There are no prizes for staying late – work in a way that suits you and allows you to make time for your family and yourself.
Opportunities for staff wellbeing check-ins
No expectation of answering emails outside school time
7pm-7am email curfew
Constantly trying the streamline processes so systems take less time. We never add anything to the workload without asking ‘what can we take away?’
No tick box culture – never do anything unless it’s going to make a positive difference
Surveys for staff – honest opinions how can we improve?
Staff shout out board
A culture of positive praise (Pivotal green and gold behaviour system)
Open door SLT – no problem is too small
Staff social events out of school hours
School dogs and tortoise offer everyone some nurture
Seasonal event for everyone to showcase their less serious side – Themed days, Talent Shows, Christmas Jumper Day etc …
Thank you Staff breakfasts/ lunch on training days
Lunches are provided for those eating with the children
Child Care Voucher and Cycle to work offer
PPAwith colleague teacher to share the load.
Lieu time for support staff coming to additional training beyond paid hours
Staff can visit the FareShare ‘pay as you feel’ shop
End of term collective activities in the hall to support with the ‘end of term-ness’ led by SLT
All Assemblies led by SLT
SLT take groups for Y6 before and after school to help out with the learning
DHTs available to model, team teacher as needed
Weekly thank you’s shared in staff briefing and on briefing notes
Access to SEMH services made available to all staff at all times
Planned lunch time rota with range of activities to keep children engaged and busy as lunch times
Year 6 roles and responsibilities provides extra help around school, librarians, play leaders, Computer Clubs – overseen by SLT