At Kippax Ash Tree Primary School our Religious Education journey is supported by the Leeds Agreed Syllabus. Those who study religion are known as Theologians.
When our Theologians begins in Foundation Stage, they start their journey by learning about where they live, the world around them, the people who are special to them and special times in their lives. Our Theologians have the opportunities to share special experiences with others which includes learning about special occasions that happen in our wider community, for example wearing special clothes, tasting foods that people may share on special occasions, finding out about places people go to for special occasions and our older children in Foundation Stage experience visiting the local church with the rest of the school to take part in celebrations such as Easter.
In KS1 Ash Tree Theologians continue their RE journey by developing their knowledge and understanding of religions and world views, recognising local, national and global contexts. They learn and use vocabulary associated with religious education. Our Theologians discuss questions about beliefs and find out about questions of right and wrong and begin to respond with their own views. Our teaching and learning in KS1 is focussed on Christianity and Islam, alongside understanding of non-religious approaches to life. Ash Tree Theologians hear stories that are important to Christianity and Islam as well as learning about places of worship, special books, signs, symbols and festivals. Links to our local area are made through visits to places of worship within the village and visits from faith leaders to school.
As our Ash Tree Theologians move into KS2, they extend their knowledge and understanding of religions, beliefs and values, recognising personal, local, national and global contexts. They are introduced to an extended range of sources and subject specific vocabulary. They are encouraged to be curious and to ask and discuss increasingly challenging questions about beliefs, values and human life, drawing on the insights of religions and other world views. Our Theologians respond with their own ideas, identifying relevant information, selecting examples and giving reasons to support their ideas and views.
In KS2, our teaching and learning builds on the KS1 focus around Christianity and Islam, and extends to the study of Judaism and Sikhism, alongside developing understanding of non-religious approaches to life. Aspects of other faiths may be included as appropriate, such as teaching about a specific concept, festival or practice. Again, we make links to our local area are made through regular visits to places of worship within the village, celebrating festivals at a local Church and inviting faith leaders into school.
We aim to help our Ash Tree Theologians develop as tolerant young people with respect and understanding of the views of others, including the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views. Our Theologians leave Ash Tree Primary School with an understanding of the identity and diversity of the local community to enable them to grow up to live and work alongside people of all beliefs and cultures.