Our Curriculum is built upon strong pedagogical principles that provide the opportunity for all children to fully thrive and strive for excellence. We have a carefully selected curriculum that ensures progressive, sequential and substantive knowledge is embedded within a wider reach and balanced approach. We strive for universally high expectations, knowing this is an unending mission. We truly believe that our children will thrive if provided with memorable, knowledge rich experiences that allow for intensive and specific language and vocabulary acquisition. The design of the curriculum ensures regular retrieval, review and recall opportunities. Ultimately, we know that children will achieve when they know more, can do more and want to be more.
Our Curriculum is based upon high quality resources, programmes of study and published schemes to create a broad and balanced curriculum ensuring coverage of all the National Curriculum objectives.
The impact of our curriculum is monitored through triangulation of outcomes; pupil voice, outcomes, planning, monitoring, learning walks and ongoing regular discussions with staff, pupils and parents. The desired outcomes of the curriculum will ensure that all pupils strive and thrive, develop a powerful voice and have the ability to make informed decisions. Our curriculum's deep and wide-ranging substantive and subject specific knowledge and skills enable our children to participate and ultimately make choices that improve their lives and future selves.